
The addition of supersymmetric Chern-Simons terms to ${\cal N}=8$ super-Yang-Mills theory in three-dimensions is expected to make the latter flow into infrared superconformal phases. We address this problem holographically by studying the effect of the Romans mass on the D2-brane near-horizon geometry. Working in a consistent, effective four-dimensional setting provided by $D=4$ ${\cal N}=8$ supergravity with a dyonic $\textrm{ISO(7)}$ gauging, we verify the existence of a rich web of supersymmetric domain walls triggered by the Romans mass that interpolate between the (four-dimensional description of the) D2-brane and various superconformal phases. We also construct domain walls for which both endpoints are superconformal. While most of our results are numerical, we provide analytic results for the $\textrm{SU}(3)\times \textrm{U}(1)$-invariant flow into an ${\cal N}=2$ conformal phase recently discovered.

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