
Motto: "The only source of knowledge is experience. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) "I am for new things, but, more, than the things that are new today , I appreciate the things that will be new starting tomorrow." Grigore C. Moisil (1906-1973) CONTENT 1. The need for computer and concepts 2. Development of sciences and evolution of university courses 3. Grigore Moisil, the father of Romanian Informatics 4. Grigore Moisil's vision on learning The need for computer was not the dream of a scientist or an inventor, was the medium (product) that are combined and used a variety of effective solutions offered by science and technology to solve practical problems that faced in the period 1940-1960 the powerful nations of the world: USA, USSR and UK. The main issues that were major and urgent even were military-defense and conquest of outer space, the last issue is still a major problem for defense. Factors that influenced the conception, design and development of computer systems are all factors scientific, technological, social, cultural, economic, political, military, etc. At the level of individuals in a society, it can be said that the destiny and their lives are influenced by the factors outlined above. Factors that influenced the conception, design and development of computer systems are all factors scientific, technological, social, cultural, economic, political, military, etc. Un example would be October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik satellite in outer space ( 83.6 kg), Earth's first artificial satellite, when US leaders were concerned about a Soviet first strike could be a preemptive strike; It was when the US Department of Defense Military began several research projects; Consequently, on 31 January 1958 was launched Explorer 1 (14 kg), the first artificial satellite launched by the US, Soviet satellites being third after Sputnik 1 and 2 . At the level of individuals of a society, we can say that destiny and their lives are influenced by the factors mentioned above. No need to come up with arguments or examples, simple study of biographies of scientists, art, etc., who lived in different periods of history will be enlightening for anyone. About Grigore C. Moisil: He was a member of the Romanian Academy, of the Academy of Bologna, and of the International Institute of Philosophy. Moisil was a professor of mathematical logic and computer science at the University of Bucharest, and taught in various universities in Europe and America. His early contributions were in mathematics and later he devoted his scientific activity to mathematical logic and computer science. He pioneered the application of mathematical logic to computer science. In the 1950s, Prof. Moisil developed a new structural theory of finite automata and proposed what he called "the trivalent Lukaszewiczian algebra applied to the logic of switching circuits", an important contribution to the development of computer science in those early years. Some of his books were translated in several languages. At a time when cybernetics was thought of as "reactionary bourgeois science directed against working class" Prof. Moisil used his scientific authority to personally encourage the Romanian scientists to build the first computer, that appeared in 1957. (Excerpts from the biography produced by the IEEE Computer Society, who "is proud to recognize Grigore C. Moisil as a Computer Pioneer" in 1996)

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