
The new geostrategic architecture and the redesign of geopolitical spaces have reopened the "Pandora's box" of Eastern Europe, crushed by political, ethno-confessional andterritorial interests, giving free rein to the manifestation of incredible and unrealistic scenarios regarding the "new regional order". This space, former theater of war in the two world wars, remained a space of dispute between East and West, which reactivated the imperial claims of some state actors with interests for the states in the region. Currently, a new Cold War or the continuation of the old one is foreshadowed... The new options open to the "escaped" states from the communist camp were those ofdemocracy and free will, after more than five decades of imposing ideologies foreign to the spirit of these nations.The election of new strategic partners, after the torture of a communist dictatorship, led to the generation of essential policies on national interests, but not sufficiently understood by decision-makers in these Eastern European states, manifestations that "planted" distrust of social segments in the new values democratic and market economy. Indeed, revolutions and the "sleep of reason" have given birth to "monsters"... in all states...Keywords: EU, Russian Federation, Germany, NATO, Romania.

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