
The paper examines themes and motifs related to the history of ancient Rome, in the works of early Byzantine authors of 6th century AD. John the Lydi-an and John Malalas. Interest in classical antiquity, at this time already definitely formed as a so-called antique tradition in the first reception. This tradition was focused on the interest is not so much to history as such, as to some interesting details or specific facts and realities of the pagan past that for one reason or an-other might be interested in reading the audience Empire the 6th century AD. Early Byzantine antiquarianism, in the end, shows the true realities of classical antiquities, and presents them with some distorted optics of medieval shift in the perception of the past.


  • The paper examines themes and motifs related to the history of ancient Rome, in the works of early Byzantine authors of 6th century AD

  • At this time already definitely formed as a so-called antique tradition in the first reception

  • This tradition was focused on the interest is not so much to history as such, as to some interesting details or specific facts and realities of the pagan past that for one reason or another might be interested in reading the audience Empire the 6th century AD

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Римские древности в ранневизантийской антикварной традиции

Иоаннн Малала ссылался на Вергилия, Тита Ливия, Плиния Старшего, Харакса, Светония Транквилла, а также на неких хронистов Лициния и Брунихия, произведения которых не сохранились до нашего времени. Поэтому в историографии высказывалось мнение, что автор «Хронографии» заимствовал сведения латинских источников из вторых рук. В отличие от Малалы, Иоанн Лид знал латынь и имел возможность обращаться к оригинальным произведениям римских авторов. Многие использованные им источники взяты из вторых рук. Связанные с древнеримской историей, у Малалы и Лида во многом пересекаются

Иоанн Лид
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