
The defect present in the bearing of a rolling element may affect the performance of the rotating machinery and may reduce its efficiency. For this reason the condition monitoring of a rolling element bearing is very essential. So many measuring parameters are there to diagnose the fault in a rolling element bearing. Acoustic signature monitoring is one of them. Every rolling element bearing has its own acoustic signature when it is in healthy condition and when the bearing get defected then there is a change in its original acoustic signature. This change in acoustic signature can be monitored and analyzed to detect the fault present in the bearing. But the noise present in the acquired acoustic signal may affect the analysis. So the noisy acoustic signal must be filtered before the analysis. In this work the experiment is performed in two stages. In first stage the filtration of the acquired acoustic signal is done by employing the active noise cancellation (ANC) filtering techniques. In second stage the filtered signal is used for the further analysis. For the analysis initially the static analysis is done and then the frequency and the time-frequency analysis is done to diagnose the defect in the bearing. From all the three analysis the information about the defect present in the bearing is well detected.

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