
The C3H/HeJ (C3H), A/J and BALB/cByJ (BALB) mouse strains are respectively resistant, sensitive and intermediate regarding the induction of lung tumors by urethane. The phenotypic difference between C3H and A/J is largely determined by the Pas1 (Pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 1) gene on chromosome 6, the A/J allele of which dominantly increases the tumor burden. We recently found that BALB mice possess a unique lung tumor resistance gene on chromosome 18, designated Par2 (Pulmonary adenoma resistance 2), which partially, but dominantly suppresses the sensitive phenotype of A/J mice (Oncogene 13: 1599-1604, 1996). It has, however, remained unclear why BALB mice carrying the Par2 gene are significantly more sensitive to urethane-induced lung carcinogenesis than C3H mice that have no dominant lung tumor resistance genes. In the present study, using (C3H x BALB)F1 x C3H backcross mice treated with urethane, we demonstrated that BALB mice possess the disease allele of the Pas1 gene despite their 15-fold more resistance relative to A/J mice (LOD = 22.6). The BALB Par2 allele only significantly reduced the mean lung tumor multiplicity (LOD = 4.4) in the backcross population carrying the BALB allele of Pas1, indicating that the intermediate BALB phenotype may at least in part be the result of interactions between these two dominant genes. While the BALB Pas1 allele increased both the mean multiplicity and size of lung tumors, the BALB Par2 allele affected only the mean tumor multiplicity, implying that they are involved in different stages of multi-step lung carcinogenesis. In addition, we found that 68% of lung tumors from the BALB Pas1-positive backcross mice contained activating point mutations of the Kras2 oncogene, tightly linked to the Pas1 locus, whereas these genetic alterations were absent in tumors from BALB Pas1-negative mice. The Par2 genotype exhibited no effect on this parameter. Since the activating point mutations were observed exclusively in the BALB allele as already reported with lung tumors in (C57BL/6J x BALB/cJ)F1 mice, BALB Pas1 or possibly Kras2 itself may confer selective growth advantage on the affected urethane-initiated lung lesions.

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