
Male mice castrated on day 0 after birth were pretreated daily with testosterone propionate (TP, 4 micrograms/g body weight), 17 beta-estradiol (E2, 0.2 micrograms/g body weight) or vehicle for 21 days starting from day 20. In another experiment, male mice were castrated on day 25; two pituitaries from 60-day-old females were immediately grafted under the capsule of the left kidney in one group. The castrated mice with or without grafts were pretreated daily with TP (4 or 20 micrograms/g body weight) for 36 days starting from day 25, and the left kidney was removed on day 60. Daily TP injections (4 micrograms/g body weight) were started again at 30 days after the end of pretreatments to examine androgen-induced proliferation, and incorporation of 5-[125I]iodo-2'-deoxyuridine into the whole seminal vesicles was used as an index of proliferation. In the neonatally castrated mice, both TP and E2 pretreatments given during the prepubertal period significantly increased seminal vesicle weight even long after the end of the pretreatments. However, androgen-induced proliferative response found in the neonatally castrated adult mice (poor response; long duration with a low peak) was changed to that found in mice castrated at adulthood (good response; short duration with a high peak) by the TP pretreatment only but not at all by the E2 pretreatment. In the mice castrated on day 25, a pharmacological dose of TP or TP plus hyperprolactin could not enhance or change the adult castration type of androgen-induced proliferation induced by physiological prepubertal androgens, although both treatments significantly enhanced the prepubertal growth of the seminal vesicles.

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