
A field trial was executed at Gemmeiza during 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 winter seasons. The experiment aiming at finding the response of wheat crop and the associated weeds to planting methods vis Raised Bed Broadcasting (RBB), Flat in Rows (FR) and Flat Broadcasting (FB), irrigation techniques (irrigating as 40, 60 and 80% of available soil moisture were depleted) and weeding treatments (Pallas, Atlantis, Brominal w + Topik, Hand weeding and Un-weeded (Control) as well as their interactions. The crop-water relationships e.g. water use and water productivity were considered. The adopted treatments were assessed in split–split plot experimental design with 3 replicates, where planting methods, irrigation techniques and weed control treatments were represented in main, split and split-split plots, respectively. The main findings were as follows:1- Raised Bed Broadcasting (RBB), comparable with FR or FB ones, resulted in reduced fresh weight values of grassy, broad-leaved and total annual weeds, and on the other side, enhanced tillers No. plant-1, plant height, 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yields. In addition, lower Water consumptive use values were detected with RBB, and averaged 14.71 and 18.22% over the two seasons, respectively, lesser than those with FR and FB. Water Productivity under RBB were increased, and averaged 42.73 and 31.95% over the two seasons, respectively, comparable with FR and FB techniques. 2- Irrigating at 80% ASMD regime exhibited lower values of grassy, broad-leaved and total annual weeds fresh weight, comparing with 40 and 60% ASMD regimes. Higher tillers No. plant-1 values were recorded for 40%ASMD, whereas plant height, 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yields exhibited higher values under 60% ASMD. Cu under 80% ASMD, as two season averages, were10.38 and 5.42%, respectively, lower than those with 40 and 60% ASMD, and higher WP was attained, and averaged 22.46 and 23.60% over the two seasons, respectively, more than those with 40 and 60% ASMD techniques.3- Brominal w+ Topik application, comparable with the other tested weeding treatments, exhibited desired trends for the parameters under study, where fresh weight of grassy, broad–leaved and annual total weeds and Cu were reduced. Additionally, higher values of plant height, 1000-grain weight, grain and straw yields as well as WP were recorded with Brominal w +Topik application. The bilateral interaction of planting method (RBB) and irrigation regime (80% ASMD) resulted in the lowest fresh weight values of grassy and Broad- leaved weeds and total. Furthermore, significant higher values of plant height, 1000-grain weight in the two seasons and grain yield in 1st season were recorded. The interaction between 80 % ASMD irrigation technique and Brominal w + Topik application resulted in, on two seasons mean basis, lower values of fresh weight for grassy and broad-leaved and total weeds. In addition, except tillers No. plant-1 trait, higher values of plant height, 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yields (19.86 ardab fed-1) were obtained. The interaction between RBB and Brominal w + Topik application exhibited lower values of fresh weight for grassy, broad-leaved weeds and total. Furthermore, except tillers No. plant-1 trait, higher values of plant height, 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yields were recorded. In the present investigation, the tertiary interaction of RBB, 80% ASMD and Brominal w + Topik application exhibited desired figures of Cu and WP for wheat crop. Due to the attained results, it could be advisable to plant wheat on raised beds and irrigating as 80% of available soil moisture was depleted besides Brominal w + Topik application in order to annual associated weeds control and to obtain acceptable water use and water productivity figures.

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