
SummaryThe role of leaf in regulation of root and shoot growths in single node softwood cuttings of grape (Vitis vinifera) was characterised. Leafy cuttings showed early rooting, vigorous root growth and subsequent shoot development. Defoliation at planting induced early sprouting, but adversely affected rooting and decreased the survival of cuttings irrespective of pre‐planting treatment with 100 μM indole 3‐acetic acid (IAA). Treatment with IAA did not affect the percent rooting of leafy cuttings but increased root and shoot growth. Leaf weight (wt) and leaf area of the cuttings showed a highly significant correlation to root wt of the new plant at 4 wk after planting, while cutting stem + petiole wt was either not or less significantly correlated to root and shoot weights of the subsequent plant. The greater the area or wt of leaf, the better the root and shoot growths, implying that leaf contributed to adventitious root growth. However, retaining the leaf for just 2 days was enough to stimulate rooting in more than 80% of the cuttings, suggesting that leaf tissue could also induce root formation. Root growth increased with the period of leaf retention but leaf removal before 3 wk triggered sprouting leading to high mortality in rooted cuttings. Bringing the leaf closer to the rooting zone by preparing leaf at base (LAB) cuttings delayed rooting and sprouting compared with the standard leaf at top (LAT) cuttings. An inhibitory effect on rooting and sprouting by the exposed upper internode region in LAB cuttings is suggested.

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