
Gad-1 and Gad-2 are helical, histidine-rich antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from paralogous genes in cod. 15N and 2H solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were used to characterize their lipid-bound structures and lipid interactions. Gad-1 was found to position in-plane in POPC: POPG bilayers. Gad-1 displayed greater effects than Gad-2 on lipid acyl chain order of POPE: POPG and POPE: POPG: CL bilayers, in keeping with its greater activity against E. coli. The effect of Gad-1 and Gad-2 on lipid bilayer order was only weakly affected by changes in pH, and hence changes in histidine charge. This was somewhat surprising for Gad-2 as this peptide's biological activity has been shown to be greater at low pH and thus the finding may point to the existence of functional interactions with non-lipid components of bacteria. The incorporation of cardiolipin into POPE: POPG bilayers in such a way as to preserve the overall charge of the bilayers did not alter Gad-1's effects on lipid acyl chain order parameters, which report on motions on the 10−5 s timescale. When cardiolipin and Gad-1 were both present, there were subtle changes on membrane dynamics at other timescales.

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