
Physiological parameters and expression levels of drought related genes were analyzed in early vegetative stage of two bread wheat cultivars (Sids and Gmiza) differ in drought tolerance capacity. Both cultivars were imposed to gradual water depletion started on day 17 till day 32 after sowing. Sids, the more tolerant cultivar to drought showed higher fresh and dry weights than the drought sensitive genotype, Gmiza. Under water stress, Sids had higher membrane stability index (MSI), lower accumulated H2O2 and higher activity of the antioxidant enzymes; catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) than Gmiza. On the other hand, the differential expression patterns of the genes dhn, wcor and dreb were observed due to water deficit intensity according to cultivar’s tolerance to drought. The DNA sequence alignment of dun showed high similarity of about 80–92% identities with other related plants. The most striking overall observed trend was the highly induction in the expression of dun, wcor and dreb in leaves of the tolerant genotype, Sids under severe water stress.

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