
The whole globe’s population has been forecasted to increase drastically to 9 billion by the year 2050. Hence, there is a need to search for a sustainable solution that will meet the demand of the need to need the need of the ever-increasing population. Food insecurity and nutritional imbalance as well as the issue of climate changes are major challenges facing mankind. Also, the livestock industry is currently facing diverse challenges most especially the higher cost of animal feed which has led to the request for a sustainable substitute animal feed that could enhance a safe and nutritionally enhanced animal feed. The application of biotechnology through the application of beneficial microorganism most especially those derived from the rumen area of ruminant and non-ruminant animals has been identified as a sustainable solution that could help in production of a more nutritional enhanced animal feed which has a lower cost of production. Therefore, this chapter intends to provide comprehensive information on the application of beneficial microorganisms as well as the role of beneficial enzymes derived from these microorganisms for the production of animal feeds.

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