
The Javanese society has a very old cultural background. One of the cultural heritage that is still favoured by the people of Java until now is storytelling. A story is a manifestation of people’s dream about their ideal world. This dream depicts the characters of the story they would like to see. The idea of a desired character is illustrated by various stories composed by authors. This occurs to this day. There are so many modern-day authors who have written their works within the framework of the old storytelling ideas. An author is indeed part of his community. It is inevitable that the author's thought is influenced by what happens in society. The image of the story created in his story certainly cannot be separated from all the things that exist in the community. Often a character of a traditional story becomes an inspiration for a modern author to create a character in the name and events in different packaging with no much difference in its sequence of events. Politik Tresna by Tulus Setyadi has a modern packaging of character and characterisation, but if traced deeply it turns out to be another form of character and characterization of well-known older stories.

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