
This study examined the socio-economic characteristics, role of women and expenditure pattern as it relates to seasonal variation in lagoon and marine fishing communities in Lagos State. A two stage stratified sampling method was used to select the sample size of 210 fishing (35 female and 175 male–headed) households from 25 lagoon and 10 marine fishing communities. Data were collected through field observation and administration of structured questionnaire at household level. Analytical technique used was descriptive statistics. Results indicate that though women do not fish in the high sea, female-headed households from among the Ilajes are actively involved in fishing in the lagoon waters. The study reveals that wives and daughters of fishermen are actively involved in fish processing, preservation and sales of fish caught as well as farming. Mean per Adult Equivalent Household Expenditure (MPAEHE) ranged from N350.74 for the first decile to N 3, 928.30 for the tenth decile. Percentage of the total expenditure spent on food decreased from 90.8% for the first decile to 41.9% in the tenth deciles. Other crucial roles of women in ensuring food security despite the seasonal variation are highlighted. The need to ensure food security should follow a multi-dimensional approach in order to achieve considerable improvement in the living standards of the poor fisher-folks.

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