
It is known that wild animals and birds can be reservoirs and carriers of many infectious diseases of animals and humans. A cadastre of disadvantaged anthrax settlements was developed based on the study of epizootology, which will help optimize epizootological and epidemiological measures for the prevention of anthrax in animals (wild and domestic) and the population. We first identified yersinia (Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) from the material for shooting moose and roe deer living in the Central zone of Yakutia. Antibodies to the serogroups Leptospira Pomona, Grippotyphosa, and Icterohaemorrhagiae serogroups were detected in forest bisons exported from Canada to Yakutia for acclimatization. We developed a method for sampling frozen urine with snow at low temperatures (minus 10-50 ?С) to diagnose leptospirosis of wild animals and dogs, in places of natural habitat of wild mammals (without seizure and capture). The bactericidal effect of the probiotic strains of bacteria Bacillus subtilis TNP-3 and TNP-5 on the causative agent of leptospirosis of various serological groups has been established. The methods are protected by the Russian Federation patents for the invention. There was marked disease and mortality of roe deer from salmonellosis caused by Sal. abortus equi. There has been established the circulation of viruses of infectious rhinotracheitis, diarrhea in the deer population of the Arctic regions, the causative agents of which may be migratory birds and animals of the disadvantaged settlements. In the period of intensive exploration of Actica, climate warming and changes in the fauna, the migration routes of wild animals and birds, growing threat of zoonoses it is necessary to conduct large-scale monitoring of infections, especially viral diseases.

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