
background: PE with a high prevalence in the first pregnancy is associated with the highest maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality, The possibility of prediction of preeclampsia (PE) at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy is a fairly new concept in recent years,the objective of this study to assess role of uterine artery Doppler and late first trimester maternal serum pregnancy associated plasma protein A in early prediction of preeclampsia. Material &Methods: prospective observational clinical study was done at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Benha university,with200 pregnant women attending OPD at 11-14 weeks of gestation,approved by IRP,blood pressure was recorded, uterine aretery Doppler was done, blood sample for PAPP-A was drawn, uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index (pI) at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy was found to be agood screening method for prediction of preeclampsia. The data was analyzed using STATA/SE version 11.2 statistical analysis software. Results: uterine artery Doppler pulsatility index (pI) at 11-14 weeks of pregnancy was found to be agood screening method (sensitivity 87%, specificity 96%) for prediction of preeclampsia.Conclusion:This study concluded that uterine artery Doppler was good screening method at 11-14 weeks of gestation for prediction of development of pre-eclampsia & mean pulsatility index was more valid than PAPP-A in prediction of pre-eclampsia.Key words: preeclampsia ,PAPP-A, uterine artery Doppler.Abbreviations: preeclampsia (PE),pregnancy associated plasma protein –A ( PAPP-A), pulsatility index (pi) , outpatient department (OPD).

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