
The study aimed to identify the role of Jordanian television talk shows in promoting freedom of opinion and freedom of expression in Jordanian society. The program "Voice of the Kingdom" on the Kingdom of Jordan channel is a model. The study used the analytical descriptive approach. The most important results were as follows: the largest percentage of the topics of the workshops were local, and national social programs that dealt with topics related to public affairs, followed by economic and then political topics. The local and social topics discussed in the program were topics that discussed public affairs, most of which were related to procedures and measures to deal with the Corona epidemic, Especially in the first two years of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was predominantly healthy, medical, awareness, guidance and warning, such as the time of the ban, the government measures taken to deal with Corona, the ability of the health sector to deal with this epidemic, and the way the epidemic spread, and they took the necessary measures not to transmit the disease between individuals.

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