
Quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations were conducted on the newly developed full-dimensional potential energy surface, PES-2023, to analyse two critical aspects: the influence of vibrational versus translational energy in promoting reactivity, and the impact of vibrational excitation within similar vibrational modes. The former relates to Polanyi's rules, while the latter concerns mode selectivity. Initially, the investigation revealed that independent vibrational excitation by a single quantum of ethane's symmetric and asymmetric stretching modes (differing by only 15 cm-1) yielded comparable dynamics, reaction cross-sections, HCN(v) vibrational product distributions, and scattering distributions. This observation dismisses any significant mode selectivity. Moreover, an equivalent amount of energy provided as translational energy (at total energies of 9.6 and 20.0 kcal mol-1) gave rise to slightly lower reactivity compared to the same amount of energy provided as vibrational energy. This effect is more evident at low energies, presenting a counterintuitive scenario in an 'early transition state' reaction. These findings challenge the straightforward application of Polanyi's rules in polyatomic systems. Regarding CN(v) vibrational excitation, our calculations reveal that the reaction cross-section remains practically unaffected by this vibrational excitation, suggesting that the CN stretching mode is a spectator mode. The results were rationalized by considering several factors: the strong coupling between different vibrational modes, and between vibrational modes and the reaction coordinate; and a significant vibrational energy redistribution within the ethane reactant before collision. This redistribution creates an unphysical energy flow, resulting in loss of adiabaticity and vibrational memory before the reactants' collision. These theoretical findings require future confirmation through experimental or theoretical quantum mechanical studies, which are currently unavailable.

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