
In this review article the current model of the interaction between the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the immune system in the context of chronic inflammation is presented. Mechanisms in the interaction between the SNS and the immune system are shown, which are similar for all disease entities: 1) the biphasic effect of the sympathetic system on the inflammatory response with aproinflammatory, stimulating effect before and during the activation of the immune system (early) and amore inhibitory effect in late phases of immune activation (chronic). 2) The interruption of communication between immune cells and the brain by withdrawal of sympathetic nerve fibers from areas of inflammation, such as the spleen, lymph nodes or peripheral foci of inflammation. 3) The local replacement of catecholamines by neurotransmitter-producing cells to fine-tune the local immune response independently of the brain. 4) Increased activity of the SNS due to an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system at the systemic level, which provides an explanation for known disease sequelae and comorbidities due to the long duration of chronic inflammatory reactions, such as increased cardiovascular risk with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and catabolic metabolism. The understanding of neuroimmune interactions can lead to new therapeutic approaches, e.g., a stimulation of beta-adrenergic and even more an inhibition ofalpha-adrenergic receptors or arestoration of the autonomic balance in the context of arthritis ) can make an anti-inflammatory contribution (more influence of the vagus nerve); however, in order to translate the theoretical findings into clinical action that is beneficial for the patient, controlled interventional studies are required.

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