
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the role of simple mechanisms in the proton induced break up of 3He and 3H. One of the approaches related to the understanding of the few nucleon problems lies in the experimental study of the contributions from various open channels to the total reaction cross section of the light nucleus. All experiments have been performed in a coplanar geometry at angular settings that were either symmetrical for both the arms or chosen so as to demonstrate the enhancement in the cross -sections because of a particular reaction mechanism. Among the three body processes, both the (p,2p) and (p,pd) reactions show large enhancement in the reaction cross sections because of quasi-free scattering. Enhancement because of p-p final state interactions is observed at appropriate pairs of angles. Within the four breakup region of 3He, the 1S0 neutron–proton correlation can be isolated. Contributions from quasi-elastic scattering in the spectra can be reasonably well reproduced by plane wave impulse approximation calculations, except in the case of (p,pd) reaction, where possibly neutron pickup becomes important. The cross sections for final state interactions can be obtained reasonably well by using Watson–Migdal formalism.

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