
The freshwater crayfish C. destructor was a major dietary item for brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, S. gairdneri Richardson, in Lake Eucumbene, New South Wales. The incidence of crayfish in the diet increased, particularly in brown trout, over the period 1972-1977. The proportion of the trout's diet comprising C. destructor increased with length of brown trout but not with length of rainbow trout. The size of crayfish ingested was postively correlated with fish length for both species of trout, although rainbow trout tended to ingest smaller crayfish than brown trout of equivalent size. Analysis of the crayfish's diet revealed predominantly plant material. Spawning by the crayfish was apparently confined to the period December-April. The abundance of C. destructor in Lake Eucumbene was apparently low until about 1970 but increased between 1972-1977. A decline in the average size of brown and rainbow trout in the angler catch occurred from 1959-1960 until 1977-1978. Hypotheses are suggested for the increase of the crayfish population since impoundment of the lake (1957). Factors considered include predation by trout and the biology of the crayfish, particularly related to its occurrence in this lake, which has fluctuating water levels and a short season suitable for growth and spawning.

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