
To clarify the role of the autonomic nervous system in cardiovascular and emetic responses, we studied the influence of drugs that act on autonomic nervous function on emetic and cardiovascular responses induced by chemical or mechanical stimulation to the stomach in two strains of Suncus murinus, Jic:SUN-Her and Jic:SUN-Ler. Latency to the first retching in Jic:SUN-Her was significantly shorter than that in Jic:SUN-Ler to both mechanical and chemical stimulation. This result indicated that there are different sensitivities to mechanical and chemical stimulation to the stomach in these two strains of suncus. However, the numbers of emetic episodes were almost the same in these two strains. Mean blood pressure significantly increased from baseline prior to retching in both strains. Heart rate decreased in Jic:SUN-Her and increased in Jic:SUN-Ler prior to retching, suggesting that a different baroreflex responsiveness might exist in these two strains of suncus. Administration of acetylcholine and phenylephrine affected emetic response induced by mechanical and chemical stimulation. Although the baseline values of mean blood pressure and heart rate after administration of these drugs were different, changes in mean blood pressure and heart rate prior to retching were unaffected. This result suggested that the state of autonomic activity before the emetic response might be important in the development of the emetic response. Pretreatment with hexamethonium suppressed the cardiovascular response prior to retching and prolonged the latency to the first retching. This result indicated that there was an interaction between the mechanisms involved in cardiovascular and emetic responses. The change in autonomic function during the emetic response, especially enhancement of sympathetic activity prior to retching, may be relevant to emetic and cardiovascular responses. Moreover, these results suggest that different autonomic function or different baroreflex responsiveness in Jic:SUN-Her and Jic:SUN-Ler may be involved in emetic responses.

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