
Approximately 10% of submucosal invasive (T1) colorectal cancers demonstrate extraintestinal lymph node metastasis, necessitating surgical intervention with lymph node dissection. The ability to identify T1b (submucosal invasion depth ≥ 1000 µm) as a risk factor for lymph node metastasis via pre-treatment endoscopy is crucial in guiding treatment strategies. Accurately distinguishing T1b from T1a (submucosal invasion depth < 1000 µm) or dysplasia remains a significant challenge for artificial intelligence (AI) systems, which require high and consistent diagnostic capabilities. Moreover, as endoscopic therapies like endoscopic full-thickness resection and endoscopic intermuscular dissection evolve, and the focus on reducing unnecessary surgeries intensifies, the initial management of T1 colorectal cancers via endoscopic treatment is anticipated to increase. Consequently, the development of highly accurate and reliable AI systems is essential, not only for pre-treatment depth assessment but also for post-treatment risk stratification of lymph node metastasis. While such AI diagnostic systems are still under development, significant advancements are expected in the near future to improve decision-making in T1 colorectal cancer management.

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