
Selective Area Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (SA-MOVPE) growth of compound semiconductor, such as In 1– x Ga x As y P 1– y , is an indispensable technology to realize one-step fabrication of monolithic optical integrated circuits (OEICs). In SA-MOVPE, the growth rate of unmasked region is enhanced, because un-reacted group III precursors on the mask region diffuse into the epitaxial growth region. This growth rate enhancement is mainly caused by the gas-phase diffusion of precursors, but the contribution of surface diffusion becomes larger as the unmasked stripe becomes narrower. Moreover, in the SA-MOVPE growth of InP, the abnormal growth near the mask edge and the formation of tear-drop-like hillocks, which is considered to be originated from surface diffusion, are observed. In this work, the role of surface diffusion during SA-MOVPE growth of InP was investigated by measuring the cross-sectional area of abnormal growth and surface roughness. By changing the growth temperature from 793 K to 883 K, the area of abnormal growth increased and took maxima at 823 K, and decreased again at higher temperature. The concentration of group III precursor enhanced the abnormal growth and the roughness. The concentration effect was larger than the first order, and its relation to the surface diffusion length was suggested. This information on surface diffusion during SA-MOVPE is a key factor for the precise control of SA-MOVPE growth.

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