
Background: Breast milk is a prime source of nourishment and immunity of the baby. The concept of “Stanya Dushti” refers to the impact of diet and activities of a mother on quantity and quality. Sushruta describe that the pure milk is cold, clean or free from impurities, whitish yellow or white free from discoloration. If Stanya exhibits abnormalities in its color, smell, taste it will be impure and may be referred to as Dushta. This Stanya can’t provide nourishment and good health to child. Methodology: A 34 years old second gravida patient deliver an alive full term male child of weight 2.82 Kg. extracted as vertex presentation on 19/4/2023 by caesarian section. During breast feeding, she noticed that her milk was blackish in color and her child regurgitate this milk just after feeding, so she stopped breast feeding. On her complaint breast milk culture was advised which was found normal. She was treated with Stanya Shodhanagana Kashya for 3 days in the 20 ml dose BD. Result: Her breast milk appeared white only after 3 days of treatment and baby has not regurgitated milk again. Discussion & Conclusion: Stanya Shodhana Mahakashya includes 10 herbs - Patha, Shunthi, Devdaru, Musta, Murva, Guduchi, Vatsakphal, Kiratatikta, Katurohini & Sariva. Mainly its contents possess Tikta, Katu Rasa which has Deepana Pachan properties thus help in proper function of Agni & facilitate proper Ahara Pachan Kriya. Proper Utpatti of Rasadi Dhatu facilitates adequate Utpatti of Updhatu Stanya. So, it can be concluded that Stanya Shodhanagana Kashya is beneficial in improving the quality of breast milk as its name suggests.

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