
Herbs and spices are not just useful to us as flavouring agents but they are actually nature's way to treat dental infections also. Several dental problems like tooth ache, caries, etc have become very common among the human population across the globe. These are mainly due to the action of microorganisms like Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, lactobacilli, etc. Such problems can actually be cured naturally by using herbs and spices like cloves, thyme, peppermint leaves, goldenseal, green tea, etc which contain particular substances (that are found in dental medicines), which act against the microorganisms causing dental problems by either killing them or inhibiting their growth, are used to treat these problems. Apart from the above use, it is also effective in cases of infections where allopathic medications have no or minimal actions which may be due to the increased resistance exhibited by the pathogens to particular allopathic medications, some antibacterial agents currently used in dentistry produces adverse-affects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, staining of teeth, etc. and financial considerations in relation to allopathic medications in developing countries creates a need for alternative prevention and treatment options that are safe, effective and economical. Hence, the search for alternative products continues and herbs and spices that were used as traditional medicines in the ancient times are considered as good alternatives. Therefore, understanding the role of herbs and spices in controlling dental infection scan help people to cure and prevent these infections in a natural way and help them overcome all the above problems.

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