
This research analyzes how social media revolutionized communication in India. Communication opened up gates for social change which includes behavioral change, change in communication, and change in world vision. Communication has a major impact on how people think and behave. This can be translated into ways in which social change occurs. The high-end exposure to the new media technologies has impacted urban and rural life in India. This study tries to understand the different layers of the communication revolution that happened in India as part of social media. India has over 460 million internet users. India has the second largest online market. It is ranked only behind China in the word. It is predicted that by 20121, around 635.8 million people will use the Internet in India. India has one of the highest growth potentials when Internet usage is concerned. India rose to this position from a stage in 2015 where India had only 26% of the population had access to the Internet. The communicaton revolution affects all communities in India. Social media ignores caste, creed, religion and fundamental differences among people. Social media has high visibility across the human population in India. The social media evangelized communication patterns of the Indian population. People started communicating beyond caste, creed, and religion. When they interact using the internet, the socialization takes place through social media. The social exchange in social media helps people to understand each other. This is beyond different barriers like physical and region. People started interacting on a platform as friends and family. The social media paved the way of chances for everyone to find oneself. This type of constructed identity of individuals when getting into the area of cyberspace represent each individual to socialize in cyberspace. In the world of cyberspace, people interact as people beyond their physical environment. The communication revolution occurs during this process. This study analysis how social media plays a key role in revolutionizing communication in India. This pilot study was conducted in three South Indian states of the country, namely Kerala, Karnataka, and Kerala. We have selected samples from urban and rural populations. The stratified random sampling method was used to collect samples from six different regions.

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