
Aquaculture production contributes 56.24 percent of the total fish production in Bangladesh. Thestudy was conducted to explore the role and feasibility of social media in advancement of aquaculture inBangladesh and its potentiality and challenges. Nowadays internet is used by 57.2% of total population ofBangladesh. Social media has become ubiquitous and social capital allows a person to draw on resources fromother members of the networks to which he or she belongs. To collect empirical data a number of qualitativeand quantitative tools such as questionnaire interviews, focus group discussion and oral history from differentstakeholders were employed. The study identified 40 communities about aquaculture techniques, systems andinformation sharing on Facebook, the most popular social media in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a countryconsisting of different remote areas such as Haor regions, hilly regions are not easily accessible for physicalextension work of fisheries and aquaculture. Establishing the social media as a bridge between extensionorganization and fish farmers can contribute to make more profitable and sustainable aquaculture sector. Onthe other way, social media can play important role in fisheries and aquaculture research field. Based onliterature review, interview from different stakeholders the research analysis has proposed a conceptual framework for potentiality of social media in advancement of aquaculture in Bangladesh. The study has alsoidentified the challenges of establishment of social media as a tool for aquaculture extension service andprepared some recommendations. The study has found, Social media can be used to spread new techniquesand culture practices to the field. Building community network, developing community infrastructure andcommunity based fisheries management will be also easy to implement through the utilization of social media.

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