
Within the special issues, the role of Science Laboratory Technology (SLT) in various fields of local, traditional, or modern and indigenous knowledge need to be elaborated. Review study was carried out on the role of SLT in environmental impact assessments and statements concept. SLT is a wide scope discipline, serving as a linkage between various fields, especially the ecosystem ecology and organisms interactions studies. SLT plays a greatest role in ecosystem research (biotic and abiotic pools and fluxes) analysis of relevant values, participates actively in Environmental Impact Assessment and Statement (EIA/S). It provides various laboratory techniques; analyses, samples collection on the targeted points or locations, parameters assess or state gives the baseline data to these samples points or locations. The samples conditions are not determined only, but would serve as reference baseline data in order to avoid unnecessary dispute or claim in the future of a project. Also provide services for EIA as a management tool designed to aid stakeholders, policy makers, managers and officials both at local, national and international observatory who mainly take decisions on major development projects in predicting the effects on the environmental consequences of such projects, before and after their implementation and planning measures, for avoiding or mitigating adverse laboratory techniques. The act of making natural laws adaptable to society understanding and eventual applications of these laws to solve man’s day to day problems through skill knowledge of science, technology and engineering depended wholly on series of laboratory experiments, greatly improved many aspects of development in our societies, through the production and innovation of computers and internets, makes it to be virtual or stimulated and remote laboratories. Without the indispensable contributions of qualified and licensed professional in SLT, no producible, justifiable, valid and reliable findings can be ascertain on the EIA/S and data based study, including the description of baseline environmental condition of proposed project areas or points as multidisciplinary.

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