
Introduction: The pace of life in today's society has grown fast, erratic, and stressful, causing visual acuity to be hampered, which can be linked to Timira described in Ayurvedic classics. Timira, characterised as an eye ailment in Ayurveda, can be correlated with refractive errors. Myopia is a type of refractive error in which distant vision is hampered and affects a considerable portion of the population today. Patients with vitiated doshas have fuzzy vision when they reach the prathama patala of the eye; this stage is marked by avyaktasdarshana (Sushruta) and animitta avyakata rupa darshana (Vagbhata). All Acharyas describe prathama patalagata Timira as a sadhya drishtigata roga. Nasya is a therapeutic modality for urdhwajatrugata vikaras, according to Vagbhata. In Sutrasthana, Sushruta describes Viddha karma as a cure for Timira. Shrungaveradi taila Nasya is recommended for the treatment of patalgata vikaras in Bhaishajya ratanavali. Case presentation: In this study, prathama patalagata Timira patients were chosen, and Nasya with Shrungaveradi taila and Viddha karma on alternate days was performed for eight days in these patients. The pilot study showed promising results.

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