
Tamaka Shwasa is tridoshaja vatakapha pradhana avaranajanya Yapya vyadhi and requires Samhita based evidence-based scientific approach with current standards. Tamaka Shwasa is nearer to bronchial asthma identified with airway obstruction, inflammation, producing extra mucus making it difficult in breathing with a prevalence rate of 2.05% of 18 million asthmatics in the nation leading to reduced quality of life along with socioeconomic burden. The contemporary steroidal research has not yielded satisfactory outcomes and is a threat to safety. A case of Tamaka Shwasa from the OPD of TGAMC&H, c/o Shwasa Krichrata, Kasa etc. with PEF-250 Lt/min, AEC-970cells/cumm. has been taken for the present case study. After the diagnosis of Tamaka shwasa by Pratyatma lakshanas and relevant investigations, managed with Sadhyovamana, virechana and shaman aushadhi like guda taila yoga. Improvements were noticed in Kasa Shwasa Krichrata, Gurgurata, asino labhate sukham, parshwashula. Also, improvements were observed in Spirometry taken before and after treatment. The combined effect of shodhana followed by shaman acts as deepana, pachana, Srotoshodhaka, kaphahara, vatanulomana, Rasayana, brahmana, shwasahara. Shodhanottara guda taila prayoga showed significant improvements in both subjective and objective parameters taken in the study.

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