
The role of return currents in the plasma dynamics of a dc non-transferred arc plasma torch has been investigated. The anode arc root connects the main plasma column and return current in the anode and its motion governs the return current formation in the anode. Thus by investigating the return currents, we can explore complex spatio-temporal evolution of the plasma in detail. In this work, we have used electrical and magnetic diagnostics. The electrical diagnostic comprises of a high voltage probe, and the magnetic diagnostic consists of a garland of several B-dot probes incorporated inside the anode water cooling channels. The magnetic (B-dot) probes are designed to pick up the dominant component of the time-varying magnetic fields. Results show that, beyond a threshold, volume return currents transform to constricted line currents in the anode return path. This is attributed to eddy currents arising due to space varying rather than time varying return current components in the anode. The probes capture fast rotation of the arc root that is not captured by fast imaging. Also, arc root shunting (restriking) phenomena and its location on the anode periphery are clearly captured by the garland of magnetic probes. A physical model explaining the processes is also presented.

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