
Abstract Introduction HCV is a health problem that confronts many countries in the world. Those patients will develop complications like cirrhosis and HCC, which is one of the most common cancers in the world, especially in Egypt, and considered the third leading cause of death worldwide. The prognosis of HCC is still dismal due to the late diagnosis. miRNAs are small, short noncoding RNAs, which have roles in the diagnosis of HCC. In our study, we focus on biological aspects of miRNAs. We report that miR-501 is strongly expressed and observed in the process of HCC development. miR-501 regulation is important as an oncofetal relevant to the diagnosis of HCC. Method This study was conducted on 100 adult patients; 25 patients were positive for anti-HCV and 25 patients were negative for HCV and enrolled as a control group. Patients were categorized into three groups: fibrosis (n = 25), CHC (n = 25), and HCC (n = 25) related to HCV evident by CT abdomen. All patients and controls were subjected to full clinical assessment and laboratory investigation. Blood (8 mL) was withdrawn from subjects, and 3 mL was collected in EDTA tubes for processing total RNA extraction and miRNA. The remaining 5 mL was left for determination of biochemical parameters. miRN-501 expression levels were determined by RT-PCR. Results The data revealed a significant increase in levels of AST, ALT, ALP, and CBC in both HCC and CHC groups compared to controls. The results of miRNA expression showed that miR-501 was higher in the HCC group than non-HCC group at P1.1. Conclusion miR-501 can be used as a noninvasive biomarker for early diagnosis of HCC among patients with HCV on account of its affectability for HCC.

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