
Chemical based phosphate (PO4-3) fertilizers occupies significant place in agricultural domainand ought to be dangerous (e.g. cause chronic kidney disorders, eutrophication). Hence, world isyelling for an efficient substitute of PO4-3 fertilizer. This fertilizer is being used to escalate yieldof green leafy vegetables, which are loaded with health nutrients, consequently, world is fallingfor this Mediterranean mode of diet. Phosphate Solubilizing Rhizobacteria (PSB) could come tothe rescue and would be an economical and ecofriendly substitute of such fertilizer. This reviewdraws attention of researchers, to unveil the understudied aspects i.e. role and mechanisms ofPO4-3 solubilization, driven by PSB in association with green leafy veggies (viz, Cabbage,Spinach, Lettuce). As found that PSB application could give desirable results i.e. uplift theproductivity of green leafy vegetables and one if designed as biofertilizer, could ameliorateharmful effects of such fertilizer, caused upon human consumption

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