
Westernization has deeply affected the Indian society by discarding morality, values and ethics. In a traditional Indian Society almost all human actions, behavior and even relationships were well defined and kept under limitations. Restricted and legalized way of sexual relation, that too after solemnization of legal marriage, was in practice. Since the relationship was legal, birth of children used to be a celebration and no place was for abortion or for termination of pregnancy. Modern India is totally different. Now sexual relations without marriage is a fashion and unwanted pregnancy is not a big issue. The credit goes to pharmacy sector which has invented and produced a series of contraceptives like caps, condoms, combined pills, implant, injections etc. These are the primary level of protections and if fails, secondary level is also there. Now a person without any prescription can purchase a pregnancy test kit from a medical store and test pregnancy easily. If the result is positive, pharmacy again assists by providing abortion pills etc. which works from the first day of pregnancy to 20 weeks.

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