
Peroxisomes are eukaryotic organelles surrounded by a single bilayer membrane, containing a variety of proteins depending on the organism; they mainly perform degradation reactions of toxic metabolites (detoxification), catabolism of linear and branched-chain fatty acids, and removal of H(2)O(2) (formed in some oxidative processes) by catalase. Proteins named peroxins are involved in recruiting, transporting, and introducing the peroxisomal matrix proteins into the peroxisomes. The matrix proteins contain the peroxisomal targeting signals PTS1 and/or PTS2 that are recognized by the peroxins Pex5 and Pex7, respectively. Initial evidence indicated that the penicillin biosynthetic enzyme isopenicillinN acyltransferase (IAT) of Penicillium chrysogenum is located inside peroxisomes. There is now solid evidence (based on electron microscopy and/or biochemical data) confirming that IAT and the phenylacetic acid- and fatty acid-activating enzymes are also located in peroxisomes. Similarly, the Acremonium chrysogenum CefD1 and CefD2 proteins that perform the central reactions (activation and epimerization of isopenicillinN) of the cephalosporin pathway are targeted to peroxisomes. Growing evidence supports the conclusion that some enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of mycotoxins (e.g., AK-toxin), and the biosynthesis of signaling molecules in plants (e.g., jasmonic acid or auxins) occur in peroxisomes. The high concentration of substrates (in many cases toxic to the cytoplasm) and enzymes inside the peroxisomes allows efficient synthesis of metabolites with interesting biological or pharmacological activities. This compartmentalization poses additional challenges to the cell due to the need to import the substrates into the peroxisomes and to export the final products; the transporters involved in these processes are still very poorly known. This article focuses on new aspects of the metabolic processes occurring in peroxisomes, namely the degradation and detoxification processes that lead to the biosynthesis and secretion of secondary metabolites.

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