
Amalpittais an irritating disease, which occurs due to faulty lifestyle, dietetic indiscrimination, increased mental stress and due to complications of certain disease and medication. It is a common disease of Annavahasrotas with cardinal symptoms like Avipaka (indigestion), Hritkanthadaha(heart and throat burn) and tikta – amlodgara (bitter or sour eructation). In modern terminology it is equated with Hyperacidity syndrome or Acid Peptic Disorders. In the present study 40 subjects were selected with Amlapitta among which 20 subjects were given Patoladichurna3 gms thrice daily with luke warm water or honey without any implementation of diet (Group A) whereas remaining 20 subjects were given Patoladichurna3 gms thrice daily with luke warm water or honey by following proper diet (Group B). The duration of the study was 30 days. Even though both groups showed better results, on comparing both groups Group B is better than Group A. This substantiates the role of diet in the management of Amlapitta.

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