
Ayurveda has regarded sleep as one of the most signicant health related aspects of happiness and st good health. The 21 century man respires under various pressures, pressure, anxiety and abnormal and unhealthy food habits so insomnia is a very common sleep disorder stressful life event that is closely associated with the onset of insomnia and is inuenced by some predisposing personality factors. I.e., Tridoshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are identied as Ayurveda's Tristhambha (three key pillars)–the life science. Similarly, the Trayopasthambas (three supporting pillars) are identied as Aahara (food), Nidra (sleep), and Bramhacharya (abstinence). Sleep is thus one of the important factors for leading a healthy life. So many health-related problems suffer due to lack of sleep human. Insomnia in modern times may be signs of traumatic lifestyle, depressive illness, anxiety disorder, psychological disorders or other medical conditions. The Nidranasha management line explained by various Acharyas in different ways can be represented in detail in the different therapeutic procedures of Snehana, Abhyanga, Samvahana, Murdhnitailam, Padaabhyanga, Shirobasti, Shirodhara, Nasya.

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