
This article presents an analytical review of the development of a systematic approach to studying man in psychology, highlights the current condition of the problem of integral study of individuality and integrative developmental psychology, analyzes the achievements of domestic and foreign psychologists in the field of optimism and pessimism research. Distinctive signs of representatives of an optimistic and pessimistic attitude are theoretically substantiated. A program for diagnosing multi-level properties of the integral individuality of students with an optimistic and pessimistic attitude is presented, and statistical criteria for evaluating empiric material are defined. Differences in structures of the integral individuality of students with optimistic and pessimistic attitudes are established. The conceptual approach to the development of structures of integral individuality of students with a pessimistic attitude is substantiated. A theoretical model of psychological support for students with a pessimistic attitude is developed. The effectiveness of the psychological support program for the development of structures of integral individuality of students with a pessimistic attitude is established. Students with an optimistic attitude have a more developed, flexible, harmonious structure of the integral individuality. Psychological support is advisable to provide a group of students with a pessimistic attitude. This will be more effective if the development of a psychological model and methodological tools considers the conceptual approaches to the development of optimistic attitudes of pessimists, reveals the hidden patterns of this phenomenon and finds ways to harmonize the properties of pessimists. All this determined the topic and purpose of our study.

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