
This study examined the role of NTFPs in tribal economy of Shivpuri district Madhya Pradesh, India. A multi-stage random sampling technique was employed to select sample Saharia Tribal, local villagers and households for field survey. Data were collected through structured interviews and non-participant observations and commercialization of NTFPs are the main drivers for socioeconomic development, poverty reduction and livelihood security of the tribes in the area. In the presented study, mainly how non-timber forest products are obtained by Sahariya tribals under Shivpuri district and what things they get from the forest. The product found in the forests are able to improve their economic condition and livelihood by selling it in the local market. Many major products are obtained from forests by the tribal peoples found in and around Chatori Kala village under Shivpuri district, such as Mainly Tendu (Diospyros melanoxylon) leaf which is used for making beedis Industry, Imli (Tamarindus indica) is used for making wine Industry, Mahua (Madhuca indica) flowers is used in the beverage industry. Kher (Acacia catechu) is used in the Kaththa Industries and Bamboo (Bambusa indica) is used in the building material, apart from this brooms, baskets, fans as well as other product used in the house are also made from bamboo and Palash (Butea monosperma) which is found in dominant species in Shivpuri district, is used for preparing puja and havan material and its roots are used in making rope and leaves are used in Dona Pattal industry. For many years, some indigenous tribal people have been living within the forest and fully depending on the forest products for livelihood. Since it has become a protected area, there is banned on the collection of NTFPs. Forest department forcefully displaced some tribal people outside the forest, but still many tribal people are living within the forest and depending on the forest for their livelihood. This study has made an attempt to examine the Socio-economic role of NTFPs in the livelihood of Saharia tribal people in the Chitorikala village area of Shivpuri District in Madhya Pradesh. The study found that almost all tribal people in the study villages collect NTFPs illegally and sold in local markets. The NTFPs contribute highest income shares to total household income. As there is no restriction on the collection of leaves, Stem, Seed, Root, Fruit, wood etc. They earned highest income by selling various leaves but they walk 05 to 10 km and spend whole day to collect leaves, Root and Tuber and other products. As the livelihoods of the tribal people of these villages depend on NTFPs, the study suggests that there must have markets and proper price for these products. Government should provide some financial benefits to self-help groups allow people to set up paper plate or cup factory to avoid traders’ dominance.

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