
Non-governmental organisations have made a significant contribution in the development of Bangladesh. Today, Bangladesh has more than 2000 NGOs, and few of them are among the largest in the world. NGOs are claimed to have impacts on the sustainable development in Bangladesh. However, to what extent they have fostered equity and social inclusion in the urban cities of Bangladesh remains a subject of thorough examination. The 11th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) advocates for making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Bangladesh which is the most densely populated country in the world faces multifaceted urbanization challenges. The capital city Dhaka itself has experienced staggering population growth in last few decades. Today, Dhaka has become one of the fastest growing megacities in the world. Dhaka started its journey with a manageable population of 2.2 million in 1975 which now reached 14.54 million. The growth rate averaged 6 per cent each year. As this rapid growth of Dhaka City is not commensurate with its industrial development, a significant portion of its population is living in informal settlements or slums where they experience the highest level of poverty and vulnerability. Many NGOs have taken either concerted or individual efforts to address socio-economic challenges in the city. Earlier results suggest that programs undertaken by NGOs have shown potential to positively contribute to fostering equity and reducing social exclusion. This paper, attempts to explore what types of relevant NGO programs are currently in place taking the case of Dhaka city.

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