
Hindu Abstract: महिलाओ को समानता एव सममानजनक जीवन परदान करन कि दिशा म आयोग का आवशयक अग ह, नयाय कि उपलबधता, यह सविधारहित वरगो कि महिलाओ क लिए नितात आवशयक ह महिलाओ को क़ाननी अधिकारो का परण उपयोग करना चाहए, जिसक लिए उनह न कवल क़ाननी परावधानो अपित कदर एव राजय सरकारो दवारा उनक लाबरथ चलायी जा रही आरथिक सामजिक एव विकास योजनाओ स भी अवगत कराय जान कि आवशकता ह.English Abstract: Empowerment is a process that enables women to gain access to, and control of, material, intellectual and human resources. Empowerment is the redistribution of power that challenges patriarchal ideology and male dominance. Political empowerment of women is part of the overall empowerment process. Political participation is a major path to women’s empowerment and participation in the decision-making process or increased decision-making power will lead to women’s empowerment in the true sense of the term. Even today, many people think of women as physically and mentally inferior of men. It is often set-forth as an immutable axiom that men are socially superior because they are naturally superior. Male supremacy according to this myth is not a social phenomenon at a particular stage of history, but a natural law. Women's empowerment reflects that the main hurdles/constraints like groupism, factionalism, lack of participation, lack of justice, lack of assistance from the government and their society and lack of awareness etc. are responsible for creating problems to empowerment of women and their backwardness.

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