
We learn an abundance of useful skills for a lifetime, during our first few years of life – our mothers playing a vital role in having a major influence in our personality formations, skill sets and the nature of goals we are nudged toward. Whereas an educated mother helps her child to form views regarding the world, far broadened and contemporary as compared to children of uneducated mothers. As a child is treated with continuous high quality of care-giving and is raised in a pro-social positive environment, he or she develops a basic understanding of the incumbent benefits of having an empathic attitude towards family, friends and people at large. This research article seeks to establish the relation between mother’s education and children’s empathy level. The impetus for research is the plethora of everyday incidents taking place in our homeland, Pakistan whereby empathic skill at the root level seems invisible in the personalities of violence perpetrators and criminals. This vagrant evil may not sustain into the following decades, if we may acclimate young children to have personalities that are innately generous, kind and empathic, thus moving towards building a caring society. Long term consequences of this research are aimed at developing a national empathy program for schools, and parent-child workshops, whereby fostering empathy and kindness in upcoming generations for the betterment of our society and country.

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