
The combination of saccharides in the composition of a cryopreservation medium may represent a promising method for the preservation of the reproductive cells of male birds. In the current study, cryoprotective media with a combined composition of mono- and di-saccharides were developed. The degree of penetration of reducing saccharide molecules (maltose—Mal20 medium) and non-reducing disaccharide molecules (trehalose—Treh20 medium) from the cryoprotective medium into the cytosol of rooster spermatozoa was studied. LCM control media without disaccharides were used as the control. The number of maltose molecules penetrating from the outside into the cytosol of the spermatozoon was 1.06 × 104, and the number of trehalose molecules was 3.98 × 104. Using a combination of maltose and fructose, the progressive motility of frozen/thawed semen and the fertility rates of eggs were significantly higher ((p < 0.05) 40.2% and 68.5%, respectively) than when using a combination of trehalose and fructose in a cryoprotective diluent (33.4% and 62.4%, respectively). A higher rate of chromatin integrity at the level of 92.4% was obtained when using Treh20 versus 74.5% Mal20 (p < 0.05). Maltose positively affected the preservation of frozen/thawed sperm in the genital tract of hens. On the seventh day from the last insemination when using Mal20, the fertilization of eggs was 42.6% and only 27.3% when using Treh20. Despite the same molecular weight, maltose and trehalose have different physicochemical and biological properties that determine their function and effectiveness as components of cryoprotective media.

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