
The recent advances in the field of Ayurveda have motivated many researchers to look at the basic ailments used to explore the Ayurvedic field of research. As we know, now-a-days research is the prime need of contemporary Ayurveda. Ayurveda needs research designed to test and validate its fundamental concepts as well as its management approach. In this context, if Ayurveda is to be truly explored and validated in all its aspects, scientific inputs should confirm its principles and philosophy. Multiple researches have been done on Ayurvedic text regarding its textual concept, but in today scenario it is difficult to prove any concept without being validate. So, development of parameters to assess Panchmahabhoota, Tridosha, Agni, Dhatu, Ojas, Srotas, Ama, gunas, Shatkriyakala, Samprapti, Prakriti etc on a scientific basis is a need of time. For this purpose Ayurveda researchers should do their researches in collaboration with modern science. We cover in this short review, mainly some examples of Modern parametres which can be used in recent advancement of Ayurvedic researches.

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