
Introduction. Lactation mastitis is not a rear pathology. It is observed at every tenth parturient woman, mainly in the case of premature termination of breastfeeding. When analyzing the structure of postpartum purulent-inflammatory complications, most researchers report about high frequency lactational mastitis (in 26-67% cases). The technique of conducting wide incisions to drain the breast abscess and drug cessation of lactation was adopted to treat lactational abscess.Purpose. Specify the location for minimally invasive surgical techniques (puncture and drainage of the nidus of infection under ultrasound guidance) in the complex treatment of lactational abscesses of the mammary glands.Materials and methods. 64 parturient women suffering from verified lactation abscesses were observed. Average age of patients was 24,9±4,5 years (from 21 to 44). The research was carried out during 3 years: from 2018 to 2020. All patients were on outpatient treatment and under observation. Conservative and surgical (minimally invasive) methods of breast abscess treatment were applied. Puncture of the lactation abscess was carried out with a thick needle (18g «pink»), at the greatest distance from the areola, after expressing / feeding.Results. 41% of breast abscesses occurred during lactation up to 1 month, while in 34% of cases, the period of lactation was in the range from 1 to 3 months. In 16% of patients, an abscess formed during lactation from 3 to 7 months, in 7% of cases - from 7 to 18 months. Duration of breastfeeding was investigated at the 3rd day, 3rd week and 12th week after surgery. Breastfeeding was interrupted on women’s request. As a result we found out, that minimally invasive (puncture, drainage) surgical methods for treating breast abscesses should be prioritized at complex treatment programs for lactational mastitis.


  • Lactation mastitis is not a rear pathology

  • As a result we found out, that minimally invasive (puncture, drainage) surgical methods for treating breast abscesses should be prioritized at complex treatment programs for lactational mastitis

  • Оптимальное лечение лактационного мастита, осложненного абсцессом молочной железы,кроме хирургического лечения включает в себя эффективное опорожнение молочной железы, назначение антибактериальных препаратов, нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов

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Lactation mastitis is not a rear pathology. It is observed at every tenth parturient woman, mainly in the case of premature termination of breastfeeding. В настоящее время факторами риска развития лактационного мастита принято считать травмы мягких тканей молочной железы, трещины сосков, послеродовые осложнения, первые роды, резкое завершение грудного вскармливания, наличие сопутствующих заболеваний [2, 8]. Материалы и методы Мы располагаем опытом лечения малоинвазивными способами 64 абсцессов молочной железы, которые явились осложнением лактационного мастита в период 2018–2020 гг. Для дренирования абсцесса молочной железы использовался «пассивный способ» под действием силы гравитации (дренаж устанавливался в нижнем отделе абсцесса), промывание дренажа раствором антисептика с целью профилактики его обструкции.

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