
Parliamentary system was adopted and democracy was established in India, which is called the largest democratic nation in the world, due to which the principle of decentralized governance has been adopted in India. After attaining independence in India, according to the experiences of the Constituent Assembly, it was not possible to rule the villages of the entire country from the capital Delhi, due to which the emphasis was laid on decentralization by the Constitution to make the country a public welfare state, due to which the transfer of power is above and the role of accountability to higher officials and public representatives began to increase. Decentralization enables all-round development of the local people, while the right of social and economic development along with administrative work is also available to the people's representatives. A truly welfare state can be established only by decentralization of power. It is through this that the qualities of cooperation, accountability, self-reliance etc. develop in the public. India is the largest country in the world, as well as the majority of the country's population still lives in rural areas, due to which Gandhiji called it the "country of villages". But due to the deteriorating economic condition of most of the people in rural areas and lack of employment in rural areas, most of the people are migrating from villages to cities, due to which many villages are in a state of desertion today.

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