
Right portal vein ligation (PVL) has its recognized role in inducing hypertrophy of future liver remnant (FLR) prior to major liver resection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, feasibility, and effectiveness of laparoscopic right PVL and to explore its applications. Laparoscopic right PVL was employed either during staging laparoscopy when a right hepatic trisectionectomy was indicated, leaving a small (<25%) FLR (indication 1), or during a laparoscopic left hepatic lobectomy (left lateral sectionectomy) when a second-stage right hemihepatectomy was to follow (indication 2). A follow up cross-sectional liver imaging was performed 4-6 weeks later with liver volumetry to confirm hypertrophy of the FLR before proceeding to major hepatectomy. Six patients (female, 5), 74-83 years old, underwent a laparoscopic right PVL, of whom 4 patients fulfilled indication 1 while 2 patients fulfilled indication 2. The median operating time for indication 1 was 60 minutes. There were no intra- or postoperative complications, and all procedures were completed laparoscopically. Repeat imaging of the liver demonstrated a median (range) hypertrophy of FLR of 24.5% (range, 20.7-33.1%). The right liver experienced atrophy. In the hands of the experienced laparoscopic hepatobiliary surgeon, laparoscopic right PVL is feasible and safe, and induces adequate regeneration of the FLR. Laparoscopic right PVL has its applications at the time of staging laparoscopy in patients requiring a right hepatic trisectionectomy in the presence of a small FLR and as part of a staged liver resection in patients with bilobar liver disease that spares segments 1 and 4.

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