
The word Shvitra means in Sanskrit is Shvitra, which is white patch, without Kandu and inflammation, it present on anywhere of body, In this disease white spots or white discoloration takes place on the skin so it is named as Shvitra. Vitiligo is a long-term condition where pale white patches develop on the skin. It's caused by the lack of melanin, a pigment in the skin. In modern Science PUVA therapy and corticosteroid are used for treatment of disease but they may cause very harmful effect like skin burn, nausea dermatoheliosis that is ultraviolet ageing of skin. There is need Safe easier less complicate cost effective Ayurvedic treatment. Abhyanga stimulates Bhrajjak pitta which is present in the skin and helps restoring color. Jyotishamati Taila has extra medicinal property so it treats disease more comfortably.

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