
Intraovarian effects on diameter of future dominant follicle (DF or F1) and future largest subordinate follicle (F2) during the few days before selection of the future DF and subordinate follicles were studied in 147 bovine interovulatory intervals. Follicle selection involves diameter deviation or the beginning of separation of growth rates between F1 and F2. Diameter deviation is classified as conventional (F2 ≥ 7.0 mm when F1 is 8.5 mm or at expected deviation) and as undersized (F2 < 7.0 mm when F1 is 8.5 mm). Diameter separation of F1 and F2 in conventional and undersized deviations is characteristically abrupt and gradual, respectively. The predeviation diameter of F2 when located in an ovary that later becomes the F1 intraovarian patterns of DF−CL, devoid (ovary without a DF or CL), DF alone, or CL alone and in left or right ovaries (LO, RO) was compared between conventional and undersized deviations. In conventional deviation, ovaries with the future DF (combined DF−CL and DF patterns) were associated with greater (P < 0.02) predeviation growth rate of F2 when the DF was in the right ovary (DF/RO, 1.6 ± 0.1 mm/d) than when in the left ovary (DF/LO, 1.2 ± 0.1 mm/d). The F2 was in DF/RO more frequently (75%, P < 0.002) than in non-DF/RO. When F2 was in the future devoid F1 pattern and F1 was 6 mm, F2 was smaller (P < 0.002) in the undersized class (5.3 ± 0.2 mm) than in the conventional class (6.3 ± 0.1) but not when F2 was in one of the other future F1 patterns. Only the devoid pattern was greater in frequency (P < 0.03) in the undersized class than in the conventional class. The novel hypothesis was supported that location of F2 in ovaries with different future F1 intraovarian patterns and on different sides affects the predeviation diameter and growth rate of F2 and thereby the frequencies of conventional and undersized deviations during follicle selection.

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